alive vivant


alive = vivant

Pronunciation =  alive

Pronunciation in French = vivant

alive in French: vivant

Part of speechadjective 

Definition in English: (of a person, animal, or plant) living, not dead; alert and active; animated 

Definition in French: (d’une personne, d’un animal ou d’une plante) vivant, non mort; alerte et actif; Animé

Examples in English:

  • There were no hopes of finding anyone still alive.

Examples in French:

  • Il n’y avait aucun espoir de trouver quelqu’un encore en vie.

Synonyms of alive

Synonyms in French vivre, avoir la vie, pas mort
Synonyms in English living, live, having life, not dead

Antonyms of alive

Antonyms in French mort, éteint, inanimé, inactif
Antonyms in English dead, extinct, inanimate, inactive

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