amnion amnios


amnion = amnios

Pronunciation =  amnion

Pronunciation in Spanish = amnios

amnion in Spanish: amnios

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: A thin membrane surrounding the embryos of mammals, birds, and reptiles.

thin innermost membranous sac enclosing the developing embryo of higher vertebrates (reptiles, birds and mammals) 

Definition in Spanish: Una fina membrana que rodea los embriones de mamíferos, aves y reptiles.

Saco membranoso más interno delgado que encierra el embrión en desarrollo de vertebrados superiores (reptiles, aves y mamíferos)

Examples in English:

  • The amniotic cavity is surrounded by a membrane, called the amnion.

Examples in Spanish:

  • La cavidad amniótica está rodeada por una membrana, llamada amnios.

Synonyms of amnion

Synonyms in Spanish Saco amniótico
bolsa de agua
Synonyms in English amniotic sac
water bag

Antonyms of amnion

Antonyms in Spanish #N/A
Antonyms in English #N/A

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