anencephaly anencefalia


anencephaly = anencefalia

Pronunciation =  anencephaly

Pronunciation in Spanish = anencefalia

anencephaly in Spanish: anencefalia

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: a defect in brain development resulting in small or missing brain hemispheres 

Definition in Spanish: un defecto en el desarrollo del cerebro que resulta en hemisferios cerebrales pequeños o faltantes

Examples in English:

  • I’m doing a paper on ethics and one of the cases is about Baby Theresa who was born with anencephaly.

Examples in Spanish:

  • Estoy haciendo un artículo sobre ética y uno de los casos es sobre Baby Theresa que nació con anencefalia.

Synonyms of anencephaly

Synonyms in Spanish anencefalia
Defectos congénitos
anomalías congénitas
Synonyms in English anencephalia
congenital defects
congenital anomalies

Antonyms of anencephaly

Antonyms in Spanish #N/A
Antonyms in English #N/A

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