ang Áng


ang = Áng

Pronunciation =  ang

Pronunciation in Chinese = 

ang in Chinese: Áng

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: a civilian reserve component of the United States Air Force that provides prompt mobilization during war and assistance during national emergencies 

Definition in Chinese: 美国空军的一个平民后备部队,在战争期间提供迅速动员并在国家紧急情况下提供援助

Examples in English:

  • ANG stands for Air National Guard

Examples in Chinese:

  • ANG– 空军国民警卫队

Synonyms of ang

Synonyms in Chinese 空军国民警卫队
Synonyms in English air national guard

Antonyms of ang

Antonyms in Chinese #N/A
Antonyms in English #N/A

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