antiseptic antiseptique


antiseptic = antiseptique

Pronunciation =  antiseptic

Pronunciation in French = antiseptique

antiseptic in French: antiseptique

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: a substance that destroys micro-organisms that carry disease without harming body tissues 

Definition in French: une substance qui détruit les micro-organismes porteurs de maladies sans endommager les tissus corporels

Examples in English:

  • Surgical antiseptic techniques are now the go

Examples in French:

  • Les techniques chirurgicales antiseptiques sont désormais à la mode

Synonyms of antiseptic

Synonyms in French désinfectant,
Synonyms in English disinfectant,

Antonyms of antiseptic

Antonyms in French non stérile
Antonyms in English unsterile

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