antitrust Dokusen kinshi-hō

Dokusen kinshi-hō

antitrust = Dokusen kinshi-hō

Pronunciation =  antitrust

Pronunciation in Japanese = 独占禁止法

antitrust in Japanese: Dokusen kinshi-hō

Part of speechadjective 

Definition in English: of laws and regulations; designed to protect trade and commerce from unfair business practices 

Definition in Japanese: 法律および規制の;不公正な商慣行から貿易と商取引を保護するように設計されています

Examples in English:

  • We don’t need antitrust laws

Examples in Japanese:

  • 独占禁止法は必要ありません

Synonyms of antitrust

Synonyms in Japanese 独占禁止
Synonyms in English antimonopoly

Antonyms of antitrust

Antonyms in Japanese NA
Antonyms in English NA

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