atrium atrio


atrium = atrio

Pronunciation =  atrium

Pronunciation in Spanish = atrio

atrium in Spanish: atrio

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: A very large room, often with glass walls or roof, especially in the middle of a large shop or office building. 

Definition in Spanish: Una habitación muy grande, a menudo con paredes o techo de vidrio, especialmente en medio de una gran tienda o edificio de oficinas.

Examples in English:

  • My house has an open air atrium gardens with beautiful plants and benches.

Examples in Spanish:

  • Mi casa tiene un atrio con jardines al aire libre con hermosas plantas y bancos.

Synonyms of atrium

Synonyms in Spanish extasiar,
Synonyms in English entrance, passage, lobby, yard

Antonyms of atrium

Antonyms in Spanish NA
Antonyms in English NA

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