back espalda


back = espalda

Pronunciation =  back

Pronunciation in Spanish = espalda

back in Spanish: espalda

Part of speechNoun

Definition in English: the posterior part of a human (or animal) body from the neck to the end of the spine
so as to return to an earlier or normal position or condition.
give financial, material, or moral support to. 

Definition in Spanish: la parte posterior de un cuerpo humano (o animal) desde el cuello hasta el final de la columna
para volver a una posición o condición anterior o normal.
dar apoyo económico, material o moral a.

Examples in English:

  • He slipped and fell on his back.

Examples in Spanish:

  • Resbaló y cayó de espaldas.

Synonyms of back

Synonyms in Spanish Columna vertebral, trasera, detrás, patrocinadora (feminine)
Columna vertebral, trasera, detrás, patrocinador (masculine)
Synonyms in English spine, rear, behind, sponsor

Antonyms of back

Antonyms in Spanish delante, adelante, oponerse, avanzar
Antonyms in English front, forward, oppose, advance

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