
beat = 

Pronunciation =  beat

Pronunciation in Chinese = 

beat in Chinese:

Part of speechVerb 

Definition in English: strike (a person or an animal) repeatedly and violently so as to hurt or injure them, typically with an implement such as a club or whip. 

Definition in Chinese: 反复並猛烈地毆打(一個人或動物),以致傷害或傷害他們,通常使用諸如棍棒或鞭子之類的工具。

Examples in English:

  • Beat up the eggs before you add the flour.

Examples in Chinese:

  • 加入麵粉之前先將雞蛋打勻。

Synonyms of beat

Synonyms in Chinese 拍,
Synonyms in English hit, strike, batter, thump, hammer, punch, knock, thrash, pound,

Antonyms of beat

Antonyms in Chinese 保護,
Antonyms in English protect,

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