beleaguered assiégés


beleaguered = assiégés

Pronunciation =  beleaguered

Pronunciation in french = assiégés

beleaguered in french: assiégés

Part of speechverb 

Definition in English: lay siege to, Put in a very difficult situation. 

Definition in french: assiéger, Mettre dans une situation très difficile.

Examples in English:

  • Doctors feel terribly beleaguered in general about medical negligence.

Examples in french:

  • Les médecins se sentent terriblement assiégés en général par la négligence médicale.

Synonyms of beleaguered

Synonyms in french en état de siège,
ourlé dedans
Synonyms in English besieged, under siege, blockaded, surrounded, encircled, hemmed in, annoy, harass

Antonyms of beleaguered

Antonyms in french assisté,
Antonyms in English aided, assisted, helped, soothed

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