Learning any new language is a challenge that will open up your mind and help you to connect people across boundaries of land and language. There are more than 300 million people on Earth who speak French, thus making it the sixth most spoken language worldwide.
It is the official language of 29 countries, and after English, it is the second most studied language worldwide.
You can learn French in many ways without going to classes. The easiest way to learn French is the way that offers you the least amount of forcing yourself in learning.
Here are the ways to learn French quickly-
- Apps For Learning French
There’s no shortage of free French apps and content you can find on the web and on your phone.
Apps like Duolingo and Memrise on the web come from user-generated translations. These lessons focus on writing and reading, this way it does not improve your listening and speaking skills. Be aware of free interactive French lessons that can often be basic, poorly designed, messy, and will be boring
- Learning French With Native French Speakers
The Tandem learning technique allows two people who speak different native languages where to meet up will help each other to learn between two. For example, if you teach a friend for one hour who is a French person or native French speaker something about English, your friend should teach French to you for the next hour.
This method is effective for both people who are able to commit significant time and thought to the partnership but keep in mind to select a good friend.
In this way, you might understand English grammar subconsciously and use it flawlessly all the time, but will not be able to explain to a French person or French speaker the rules that you are supposed to use that grammar.
- Immersion French Learning
Traveling to France is definitely the most extreme and intensive technique. You will be immersing yourself in a new culture and a place that no one speaks your language where you will be surrounded yourself by French people or other French speakers.
This will force you to make rapid progress in your French language as you will be struggling to communicate and understand those around you.
Practicing with French people and French native speakers can help you to prepare before you make a big transition through French immersion.
- Use French Media To Learn French
There are still plenty of French media resources to help you get on your way to learn in French. Most of the media can be accessed for free online or from a library or found for very cheap or even you can subscribe for a streaming service like Netflix or Spotify.
- Books To Learn French
If you like to read, you can find literature written in French that can help you learn the French language. There are a number of French books that make great learning resources for beginner French learners, from Le Petit Prince to the Tintin comic series
This way of learning French is a great way to sharpen your reading skills and to understand how the French language is used in a whole wide range of contexts, from fairy tales to short stories.
Reading books can stop to consult a French dictionary if you need extra help along the way. Reading unfamiliar French words and expressions will help you to build your vocabulary and you will get some extra speaking and French pronunciation practice by reading the book aloud.
With motivation and interest, you can learn the French language in any method without going to classes.