The Tamil language proficiency test is conducted to evaluate the level of proficiency in the language which may be based on paper or online tests. The format is similar to the language proficiency test model. This evaluation measures four basic language skills: Writing, Listening, Reading, and Speaking.
Best Tamil language proficiency test
AJA Language proficiency assessment is the best Tamil language proficiency test. This language proficiency assesses the test through speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.
Speaking Assessment
In this Assessment, you will have an Oral/interview/speaking test for 30 minutes duration. You will be differentiated with your language ability by talking about familiar topics that are related to expressing personal facts in your daily life. You can ask simple questions and can handle a straightforward situation ranging from discrete sentences to strings of sentences, typically in the present time to deal with non-native learners of the language.
Writing Assessment
In this, you will have composition/essay writing for 30 minutes duration. They are designed to meet practical writing needs such that they can ask and respond to simple questions in writing. You will be able to communicate with simple facts and ideas on topics of personal interest and the social needs of the language. You can use basic vocabulary to express the meaning of non-natives
Listening Assessment
In this, you will have listening comprehension and answering questions for 45 minutes duration. You can understand the information that is conveyed on everyday topics. You will be engaged in face-to-face conversations for understanding highly contextualized messages, straightforward announcements, or simple instructions and directions. You can understand the speech that conveys basic information and contains high-frequency vocabulary. You will be able to understand, with ease and confidence, in basic personal and social contexts. You will listen to the connected texts by understanding the knowledge of the vocabulary and structures of the spoken language.
Reading Assessment
In this, you will have a multiple-choice/fill in blanks format test for Reading comprehension with 60 minutes duration. You will be able to understand information conveyed in simple and connected texts. They can understand the familiar text and convey basic information which has a predictable pattern of presentation. They are primarily organized in individual sentences with a high-frequency vocabulary. Readers are able to understand short, non-complex texts that deal with personal and social topics that bring personal interest or knowledge. You will also be able to understand some connected texts and narration due to limited knowledge of the vocabulary, structures, and writing conventions of the language.
You will meet the foreign language proficiency for the Seal of Biliteracy when you get an Intermediate High or above level in the AJA Language Proficiency Assessment in the Tamil language. If you want to learn Tamil in an easier way then join Multibashi and attend the free demo classes with a team of professionals. All the best!!