People from all over India are going to Karnataka city but they don’t know Kannada and therefore learning Kannada gives you many benefits. As foreign languages are considered more in the current globalized society, regional languages are also gaining their places in the present times.
Thus the need for trained regional language experts is growing and many are slowly opting for learning the Kannada language. Since Kannada is one of the main languages of South India, you can expect good career opportunities after learning the language.
Based on the type of job profile there is a wide range of career opportunities and the selection can be done as per aptitude, interest or preference.
Why do you need to learn Kannada?
- To learn the language efficiently.
- To understand the cultural history of the language
- To study the old, medieval, and new Kannada literature.
- To become translators and interpreters.
- To converse with native speakers.

Scope of Kannada language
After learning the Kannada language, there are various career fields as per their choice. The career prospects for Kannada are quite bright since many are learning this language. Ranging from teachers to interpreters, you can opt for any field in which they might gain some interest.
1. Language Translator
You can opt to work as a translator after getting fluency in the language. Many companies are hiring regional translators for work and as a career, translators are in high demand.
2. Interpreter
You can opt to work as an interpreter. Unlike a translator, in an interpreter job, you have to work more in the field and have to give a real-time translation. This kind of job requires quick and efficient interpretation skills.
3. News Anchor
If you are interested in becoming a News Anchor, then this will be another career option for you. Regional channels are more popular and you can apply to become a news anchor for a regional network.
4. Journalist
You can also apply as a journalist for regional papers where their language skills will be put to good use.
5. Freelancer
Various organizations recruit regional language knowledge persons as freelancers for different projects. Publishing houses, international organizations, research firms, and many more can open freelance job opportunities.
6. Teacher
Going for the teaching route is always the best option for all. Since Kannada is taught in the schools, graduates can apply for the job of language teacher.
7. Content Writer
You can also opt to work as content writers for various publishing houses or organizations.
8. Tourism
Tourism is another great field in which you can find your career prospects. Working as a travel guide will help you to build your communication and interpersonal skills.
9.Customer Service Executive
Various companies recruit regional language persons as customer service executives to help people with their complaints and problems. If you are fluent in Kannada, then you can help the regional problems with their problems.

Finally, enroll in your classes with Multibhashi to learn Kannada in no time by tapping this link and you will get an idea about the language. You will also receive a course completion certificate from Multibhashi. Best of luck !!!!