blubber Aburami


blubber = Aburami

Pronunciation =  blubber

Pronunciation in Japanese = 脂身

blubber in Japanese: Aburami

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: an insulating layer of fat under the skin of whales and other large marine mammals 

Definition in Japanese: クジラや他の大型の海洋哺乳類の皮膚の下にある脂肪の絶縁層

Examples in English:

  • Prior to kerosene lamps, most lamps consisted of whale blubber

Examples in Japanese:

  • 灯油ランプ以前は、ほとんどのランプはクジラの脂身で構成されていました

Synonyms of blubber

Synonyms in Japanese 脂っこい,
Synonyms in English fats,

Antonyms of blubber

Antonyms in Japanese 無脂肪
Antonyms in English lean

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