blubber grasa de ballena

grasa de ballena

blubber = grasa de ballena

Pronunciation =  blubber

Pronunciation in Spanish = grasa de ballena

blubber in Spanish: grasa de ballena

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: an insulating layer of fat under the skin of whales and other large marine mammals 

Definition in Spanish: una capa aislante de grasa debajo de la piel de las ballenas y otros grandes mamíferos marinos

Examples in English:

  • Prior to kerosene lamps, most lamps consisted of whale blubber

Examples in Spanish:

  • Antes de las lámparas de queroseno, la mayoría de las lámparas consistían en grasa de ballena

Synonyms of blubber

Synonyms in Spanish manteca de cerdo
Synonyms in English fats,

Antonyms of blubber

Antonyms in Spanish descremado
Antonyms in English lean

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