boost animar


boost = animar

Pronunciation =  boost

Pronunciation in Spanish = animar

boost in Spanish: animar

Part of speechverb

Definition in English: help or encourage (something) to increase or improve
a source of help or encouragement leading to increase or improvement 

Definition in Spanish: ayudar o animar (algo) a aumentar o mejorar
una fuente de ayuda o aliento que conduce a un aumento o mejora

Examples in English:

  • One should always boost students to study hard.

Examples in Spanish:

  • Siempre se debe animar a los estudiantes a estudiar mucho.

Synonyms of boost

Synonyms in Spanish aumentar,
Synonyms in English improve, raise, uplift, increase

Antonyms of boost

Antonyms in Spanish disminución,
Antonyms in English decrease, hinder

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