brinjal brinjal


brinjal = brinjal

Pronunciation =  brinjal

Pronunciation in Spanish = brinjal

brinjal in Spanish: brinjal

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: hairy upright herb native to southeastern Asia but widely cultivated for its large glossy edible fruit commonly used as a vegetable 

Definition in Spanish: Hierba peluda y erguida originaria del sureste de Asia, pero ampliamente cultivada por su gran fruto comestible brillante, comúnmente utilizado como verdura.

Examples in English:

  • He grows organic brinjals in his home garden.

Examples in Spanish:

  • Cultiva brinjals orgánicos en el jardín de su casa.

Synonyms of brinjal

Synonyms in Spanish berenjena
Synonyms in English eggplant,

Antonyms of brinjal

Antonyms in Spanish NA
Antonyms in English NA

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