bulimia Kashokushō


bulimia = Kashokushō

Pronunciation =  bulimia

Pronunciation in Japanese = 過食症

bulimia in Japanese: Kashokushō

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: it is related to the mental illness where a person eats in large amount or in an uncontrolled manner, then vomits intentionally. 

Definition in Japanese: それは、人が大量にまたは制御できない方法で食べ、その後意図的に嘔吐する精神疾患に関連しています。

Examples in English:

  • Often obese people suffer from bulimia

Examples in Japanese:

  • 多くの場合、肥満の人は過食症に苦しんでいます

Synonyms of bulimia

Synonyms in Japanese 異常な空腹、
Synonyms in English abnormal hunger, over eating

Antonyms of bulimia

Antonyms in Japanese 餓死
Antonyms in English starvation

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