bully Ijime


bully = Ijime

Pronunciation =  bully

Pronunciation in Japanese = いじめ

bully in Japanese: Ijime

Part of speechnoun

Definition in English: a person who uses strength or influence to harm or intimidate those who are weaker
use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force them to do something 

Definition in Japanese: 力や影響力を使って弱い人を傷つけたり、威timしたりする人
優れた力や影響力を使って(人を)威 influenceする、典型的には何かをさせる

Examples in English:

  • Jeff was a bully when he was in high school.

Examples in Japanese:

  • ジェフは高校時代、いじめっ子でした。

Synonyms of bully

Synonyms in Japanese いじめる
Synonyms in English hector, pimp, tough, harass, threaten

Antonyms of bully

Antonyms in Japanese 助けて、
Antonyms in English help, encourage, support, assist

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