cheetah guépard


cheetah = guépard

Pronunciation =  cheetah

Pronunciation in French = guépard

cheetah in French: guépard

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: long-legged spotted cat of Africa and southwestern Asia having nonretractile claws 

Definition in French: chat tacheté à longues pattes d’Afrique et d’Asie du sud-ouest ayant des griffes non rétractiles

Examples in English:

  • Cheetah is the swiftest animal on Earth.

Examples in French:

  • Le guépard est l’animal le plus rapide sur Terre.

Synonyms of cheetah

Synonyms in French NA
Synonyms in English leopard,

Antonyms of cheetah

Antonyms in French NA
Antonyms in English NA

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