consternation Odoroita


consternation = Odoroita

Pronunciation =  consternation

Pronunciation in Japanese = 驚いた

consternation in Japanese: Odoroita

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: a feeling of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected.

Definition in Japanese: 通常は予期しない何かに対する不安や落胆の感覚。

Examples in English:

  • The younger daughter finds to her consternation that her marriage is on the cards.

Examples in Japanese:

  • 下の娘は、彼女の結婚がカードにあることに驚いた。

Synonyms of consternation

Synonyms in Japanese 驚愕,
Synonyms in English dismay, perturbation, anxiety, distress, disquiet, disquietude, discomposure

Antonyms of consternation

Antonyms in Japanese 満足、
Antonyms in English satisfaction, assurance, beauty, calm, calmness

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