cooties Cooties


cooties = Cooties

Pronunciation =  cooties

Pronunciation in German = Cooties

cooties in German: Cooties

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: a parasitic louse that infests the body of human beings 

Definition in German: eine parasitäre Laus, die den Körper des Menschen befällt

Examples in English:

  • Millions of children suffer from cooties everyday due to poor hygiene.

Examples in German:

  • Millionen von Kindern leiden aufgrund mangelnder Hygiene täglich an Cooties.

Synonyms of cooties

Synonyms in German Laus,
Synonyms in English louse, flea

Antonyms of cooties

Antonyms in German NA
Antonyms in English NA

About English German Dictionary


About English Language

English is one of the most widely spoken languages across the globe and a common language of choice for people from different backgrounds trying to communicate with each other. This is the reason why English is the second language learned by most of the people.

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