debut Debüt


debut = Debüt

Pronunciation =  debut

Pronunciation in German = Debüt

debut in German: Debüt

Part of speechNoun

Definition in English: a person’s first appearance or performance in a particular capacity or role.
perform in public for the first time. 

Definition in German: der erste Auftritt oder Auftritt einer Person in einer bestimmten Eigenschaft oder Rolle.
zum ersten Mal öffentlich auftreten.

Examples in English:

  • He won the award for the best debut male.

Examples in German:

  • Er gewann den Preis für den besten Debütrüden.

Synonyms of debut

Synonyms in German erster Auftritt
Synonyms in English introduction, inaugration, appearance

Antonyms of debut

Antonyms in German Fazit,
Antonyms in English conclusion, end, ending, finish

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English is one of the most widely spoken languages across the globe and a common language of choice for people from different backgrounds trying to communicate with each other. This is the reason why English is the second language learned by most of the people.

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