electric eléctrico


electric = eléctrico

Pronunciation =  electric

Pronunciation in Spanish = eléctrico

electric in Spanish: eléctrico

Part of speechadjective

Definition in English: using or providing or producing or transmitting or operated by electricity.
the system of electric wiring and parts in a house or vehicle 

Definition in Spanish: utilizando o proporcionando o produciendo o transmitiendo u operado por electricidad.
el sistema de cableado eléctrico y piezas en una casa o vehículo

Examples in English:

  • Loose electric wires were dangling from the wall.

Examples in Spanish:

  • De la pared colgaban cables eléctricos sueltos.

Synonyms of electric

Synonyms in Spanish eléctrica, galvánica, voltaica
Synonyms in English electrical, galvanic, voltaic

Antonyms of electric

Antonyms in Spanish #N/A
Antonyms in English non-electrical

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