pronouns book
Pronouns are basically the substitute of nouns. To avoid continuous repetition of nouns, we use a Pronoun. Words used as pronouns are he, she, it, them, their, its, her, him, etc.
Usage of a Pronoun can be better explained through the given example:
  • Radha is a nice girl.
  • Radha studies in my school.
  • Radha is very good in Mathematics.
Here, we can see that name Radha” is being repeated many times. However, Radha” should be written only once. From next time onwards, it should be replaced by a pronoun she” as Radha is the name of a girl.
Hence, we should write:
Radha is a nice girl. She studies in my school. She is very good in Mathematics.


  1. Ankita wore her favourite dress. Here,”her“ is a substitute for the noun“Ankita”. Hence,“her” is a pronoun.
  2. Yesterday, they went to picnic. Here,“they” is used instead of the names of some people. Hence,“they” is a pronoun.
  3. The lead singer of their band is not well. Here,“their” is used for the members of some band rather than writing their names. Hence, “their” is a pronoun.
  4. Raju and his friend study in the same school. Here,” his” is a substitute for the noun“Raju”. Hence,“ his” is a pronoun.
  5. We miss our school days. Here,“we” is used to refer a group of people. Hence,“we” is a pronoun.

Types of Pronoun

1. Personal Pronouns

When a particular person or an object or a group of people or objects, is referred to directly, we use personal pronouns.
There are three types of personal pronouns:First Person:
Ex: I, me , we, us.
Second Person:
Ex: you
Third Person:
Ex: he, she, him, her, they, it, them.

  1. I love my country. Here,“I” is a first person.
  2. You should sleep early in the night. Here,“you” is a second person.
  3. They went to the temple last Sunday. Here,“they” is a third person.

2. Possessive Pronouns

Pronouns that exhibit a certain kind of ownership are referred to as Possessive pronouns. These terms also include possessive adjectives.

  1. This book is mine. Here,“this” is a personal pronoun and “mine” is a possessive pronoun.
  2. That doll is hers. Here,“that” is a personal pronoun and “hers” is a possessive pronoun.

3. Reflexive Pronouns

Whenever a subject is influenced by its actions itself, the pronoun used is called the Reflexive pronouns. These pronouns basically end with “–self” or “–selves” like myself, himself, themselves, etc.


  1. Rama was talking to herself.
  2. We should trust ourselves.

4. Demonstrative Pronoun

Demonstrative pronouns exhibit an indication. They point to a particular noun. They are this, that, those, these, such, etc


  1. This is the one, I was looking for.
  2. That was a wonderful experience.

5. Indefinite Pronouns

Pronouns that refer to people and objects in general are referred to as Indefinite pronouns. Hence, these pronouns are used for things that are not specific.
Ex: each, several, anyone, both, none, few, etc.

  1. None of us had dinner.
  2. Both of them play tennis.

6. Reciprocal Pronouns

Here, two or more people are carrying out the same action and all are benefiting from that action. In addition to it, all are receiving same consequences simultaneously.

For ex: each other, one another.

  1. Me and my sister always talk to each other.
  2. In a team, never blame one another.

7. Interrogative Pronouns

Interrogative pronouns exhibit the question form of pronouns. They are used to ask questions like what, where, which, etc.

  1. What is your name?
  2. Who is that old lady?

8. Relative Pronouns

Relative pronouns serve two important roles. Firstly, they act as a substitute of noun. Secondly, they act as a conjunction to join two phrases or clauses.
For Ex:-what, whom, that, whose, which, etc.

  1. The doctor who treated me is out of the town.
  2. Amit whom everyone criticized, won the competition.

9. Distributive Pronouns

Distributive pronouns are basically used where only one individual is been focused at a single point of time.

  1. None of us went to the birthday party.
  2. Either of you can help me in cooking.

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