escalope escalope


escalope = escalope

Pronunciation =  escalope

Pronunciation in Spanish = escalope

escalope in Spanish: escalope

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: a thin slice of meat without any bone, typically a special cut of veal from the leg that is coated, fried, and served in a sauce. 

Definition in Spanish: una rebanada fina de carne sin hueso, típicamente un corte especial de ternera de la pierna que se reboza, se fríe y se sirve en una salsa.

Examples in English:

  • I have ordered an escalope.

Examples in Spanish:

  • He pedido un escalope.

Synonyms of escalope

Synonyms in Spanish NA
Synonyms in English schnitzel

Antonyms of escalope

Antonyms in Spanish NA
Antonyms in English NA

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