escrow Tuōguǎn


escrow = Tuōguǎn

Pronunciation =  escrow

Pronunciation in Chinese = 托管

escrow in Chinese: Tuōguǎn

Part of speechnoun

Definition in English: a bond, deed, or other document kept in the custody of a third party and taking effect only when a specified condition has been fulfilled
place in custody or trust until a specified condition has been fulfilled 

Definition in Chinese: 由第三方保管并仅在满足特定条件时生效的债券、契约或其他文件

Examples in English:

  • The couple placed the deed to their house in escrow to make sure all their terms for selling were met.

Examples in Chinese:

  • 这对夫妇将契约交给他们的房子托管,以确保满足他们的所有出售条件。

Synonyms of escrow

Synonyms in Chinese 第三方托管,
Synonyms in English bond, deed, guarantee, insurance

Antonyms of escrow

Antonyms in Chinese NA
Antonyms in English NA

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