friendly Yǒuyìsài


friendly = Yǒuyìsài

Pronunciation =  friendly

Pronunciation in Chinese = 友谊赛

friendly in Chinese: Yǒuyìsài

Part of speechadjective

Definition in English: behaving in a pleasant, kind way towards someone.
a game or match that does not form part of a serious competition. 

Definition in Chinese: 对某人表现出一种愉快,友善的态度。

Examples in English:

  • Ram is very friendly with everyone.

Examples in Chinese:

  • 拉姆对每个人都很友好。

Synonyms of friendly

Synonyms in Chinese 善于交际,和gen,热情,外向,热情好客,平易近人,易于相处,可及,交流,开放,无保留,随和,善良
Synonyms in English sociable, genial, warm, outgoing, hospitable, approachable, easy to get along with, accessible, communicative, open, unreserved, easy-going, good-natured

Antonyms of friendly

Antonyms in Chinese 不友善,不友善,好客
Antonyms in English unsociable, unfriendly, inhospitable

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