furniture Kagu


furniture = Kagu

Pronunciation =  furniture

Pronunciation in Japanese = 家具

furniture in Japanese: Kagu

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: the movable articles that are used to make a room or building suitable for living or working in, such as tables, chairs, or desks 

Definition in Japanese: テーブル、椅子、机など、住む、または働くのに適した部屋や建物を作るために使用される可動物品

Examples in English:

  • They had moved the antique furniture out of her old downstairs room and put it upstairs months before he was born.

Examples in Japanese:

  • 彼らはアンティークの家具を彼女の古い階下の部屋から移動し、彼が生まれる数ヶ月前にそれを上階に置いていました。

Synonyms of furniture

Synonyms in Japanese 調度,
Synonyms in English fittings, fitments, movables, fixtures

Antonyms of furniture

Antonyms in Japanese 備品
Antonyms in English built-ins, fixtures

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