golden doré


golden = doré

Pronunciation =  golden

Pronunciation in French = doré

golden in French: doré

Part of speechadjective 

Definition in English: marked by peace and prosperity.
coloured or shining like gold. 

Definition in French: marqué par la paix et la prospérité.
coloré ou brillant comme de l’or.

Examples in English:

  • She loved the beauty of the autumn, when the whole countryside was ablaze with rich golden colours.

Examples in French:

  • Elle aimait la beauté de l’automne, quand toute la campagne s’embrasait de riches couleurs dorées.

Synonyms of golden

Synonyms in French d’or
Synonyms in English gold-coloured, blonde, yellowish, tow-coloured; bright, gleaming, shining, favourable,

Antonyms of golden

Antonyms in French foncé
Antonyms in English dark

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