head tête


head = tête

Pronunciation =  head

Pronunciation in French = tête

head in French: tête

Part of speechNoun 

Definition in English: the upper part of the human body, or the front or upper part of the body of an animal, typically separated from the rest of the body by a neck, and containing the brain, mouth, and sense organs 

Definition in French: la partie supérieure du corps humain, ou la partie antérieure ou supérieure du corps d’un animal, généralement séparée du reste du corps par un cou, et contenant le cerveau, la bouche et les organes des sens

Examples in English:

  • He slipped and injured his head badly.

Examples in French:

  • Il a glissé et s’est gravement blessé à la tête.

Synonyms of head

Synonyms in French NA
Synonyms in English NA

Antonyms of head

Antonyms in French NA
Antonyms in English NA

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