innards Innereien


innards = Innereien

Pronunciation =  innards

Pronunciation in German = Innereien

innards in German: Innereien

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: internal organs collectively (especially those in the abdominal cavity) 

Definition in German: innere Organe kollektiv (insbesondere die in der Bauchhöhle)

Examples in English:

  • Don’t cut too deeply or the innards will spill out

Examples in German:

  • Nicht zu tief einschneiden, sonst laufen die Innereien heraus

Synonyms of innards

Synonyms in German Gedärme,
Synonyms in English entrails,

Antonyms of innards

Antonyms in German äußere Organe
Antonyms in English exterior,
external organs

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