interest Lìyì


interest = Lìyì

Pronunciation =  interest

Pronunciation in Chinese = 利益

interest in Chinese: Lìyì

Part of speechNoun


Definition in English: the feeling of wanting to know or learn about something or someone
money paid regularly at a particular rate for the use of money lent, or for delaying the repayment of a debt
excite the curiosity or attention of (someone). 

Definition in Chinese: 想要了解或了解某事或某人的感觉

Examples in English:

  • He understood it was in their best interest to protect humanity.

Examples in Chinese:

  • 他明白保护人类最符合​​他们的利益。

Synonyms of interest

Synonyms in Chinese 利息,
Synonyms in English concern, activity, significance, care

Antonyms of interest

Antonyms in Chinese 漠不关心,
Antonyms in English hate, indifference, boredom

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