interrogative પ્રશ્નાર્થ શબ્દ

પ્રશ્નાર્થ શબ્દ

interrogative = પ્રશ્નાર્થ શબ્દ

Pronunciation =  interrogative

Pronunciation in undefined = ઇંટરઑગેટિવ

interrogative in undefined: પ્રશ્નાર્થ શબ્દ

Part of speechNoun  

Definition in English: a sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply 

Definition in undefined: પૂછપરછની સજા જે જવાબ માટે પૂછે છે

Examples in English:

  • “Who is your favourite author?” is an example of an interrogative sentence.

Examples in undefined:

  • “તમારા મનપસંદ લેખક કોણ છે?” આ પ્રશ્નાથ વાક્યનું ઉદાહરણ છે.

Synonyms of interrogative

Synonyms in undefined તપાસ કરવી
Synonyms in English enquiring inquisitive investigative

Antonyms of interrogative

Antonyms in undefined ઘોષણાત્મક
Antonyms in English asserting, declarative, declaratory

About English undefined Dictionary


About English Language

English is one of the most widely spoken languages across the globe and a common language of choice for people from different backgrounds trying to communicate with each other. This is the reason why English is the second language learned by most of the people.

About the undefined Language


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