investment Investition


investment = Investition

Pronunciation =  investment

Pronunciation in German = Investition

investment in German: Investition

Part of speechNoun 

Definition in English: the act of investing; laying out money or capital in an enterprise with the expectation of profit 

Definition in German: der Akt des Investierens; Geld oder Kapital in einem Unternehmen mit der Erwartung von Gewinn auslegen

Examples in English:

  • Investment in higher education is the key to our future

Examples in German:

  • Investitionen in die Hochschulbildung sind der Schlüssel für unsere Zukunft

Synonyms of investment

Synonyms in German Kapital, investieren, Fonds
Synonyms in English capital, invest, funds

Antonyms of investment

Antonyms in German Ersparnisse, Schulden
Antonyms in English savings, debt

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