large Ō


large = Ō

Pronunciation =  large

Pronunciation in Japanese = 

large in Japanese: Ō

Part of speechAdjecive



Definition in English: adjective: above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent

noun: a garment size for a large person

adverb: at a distance, wide of something (as of a mark) 

Definition in Japanese: 形容詞:サイズ、数、量、大きさ、範囲が平均を上回っている



Examples in English:

  • Her sweet voice and cute, large eyes attracted most people

Examples in Japanese:

  • 彼女の甘い声とキュートで大きな目はほとんどの人を魅了しました

Synonyms of large

Synonyms in Japanese 素晴らしい、巨大な、メジャーな
Synonyms in English great, huge, enormous, major, immense

Antonyms of large

Antonyms in Japanese 取るに足らない、小さい、わずか
Antonyms in English tiny, little, insignificant, small, slight

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