lodestar Leitstern


lodestar = Leitstern

Pronunciation =  lodestar

Pronunciation in German = Leitstern

lodestar in German: Leitstern

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: guiding star; a star that is used as a reference point in navigation or astronomy 

Definition in German:
leitender Stern; ein Stern, der als Bezugspunkt in der Navigation oder Astronomie verwendet wird

Examples in English:

  • She was his intellectual lodestar

Examples in German:

  • Sie war sein intellektueller Leitstern

Synonyms of lodestar

Synonyms in German Polarstern,
Leitendes Licht,
Synonyms in English loadstar,
guiding light,

Antonyms of lodestar

Antonyms in German Anhänger
Antonyms in English follower

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