lunch Mittagessen


lunch = Mittagessen

Pronunciation =  lunch

Pronunciation in German = Mittagessen

lunch in German: Mittagessen

Part of speechVerb

Definition in English: verb: take the midday meal
noun: a midday meal 

Definition in German: Verb: nimm das Mittagessen
Nomen: ein Mittagessen

Examples in English:

  • He rang the restaurant to book a table for lunch

Examples in German:

  • Er rief im Restaurant an, um einen Tisch zum Mittagessen zu reservieren

Synonyms of lunch

Synonyms in German Essen, Brunch
Synonyms in English meal, food, brunch

Antonyms of lunch

Antonyms in German Snacks, großes Mittagessen, große Mahlzeit
Antonyms in English snack food, big lunch, big meal

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