manger crèche


manger = crèche

Pronunciation =  manger

Pronunciation in French = crèche

manger in French: crèche

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: is a low open container/box/trough which cows, horses, and other animals feed from. 

Definition in French: est un conteneur/boîte/auge ouvert bas dont les vaches, les chevaux et autres animaux se nourrissent.

Examples in English:

  • Baby Jesus was born in manger.

Examples in French:

  • L’enfant Jésus est né dans une crèche.

Synonyms of manger

Synonyms in French mangeoire
Synonyms in English crib, trough, feeder

Antonyms of manger

Antonyms in French NA
Antonyms in English NA

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