manual Manyuaru


manual = Manyuaru

Pronunciation =  manual

Pronunciation in Japanese = マニュアル

manual in Japanese: Manyuaru

Part of speechNoun


Definition in English: noun: a small handbook

adjective: of or relating to the hands 

Definition in Japanese: 名詞:小さなハンドブック


Examples in English:

  • However, a human resources management manual is greatly needed

Examples in Japanese:

  • ただし、人事管理マニュアルは大いに必要です

Synonyms of manual

Synonyms in Japanese ハンドブック、ガイド、教科書、ガイドブック、説明書、参考書
Synonyms in English handbook, guide, textbook, guidebook, instructions, reference book

Antonyms of manual

Antonyms in Japanese 自動、コンピューター化、機械制御
Antonyms in English automatic, automated, computerized, machine-controlled

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