married verheiratet


married = verheiratet

Pronunciation =  married

Pronunciation in German = verheiratet

married in German: verheiratet

Part of speechadjective

Definition in English: (of two people) united in marriage
married people 

Definition in German: (von zwei Personen) in der Ehe vereint
verheiratete Menschen

Examples in English:

  • They had been married for 10 years.

Examples in German:

  • Sie waren seit 10 Jahren verheiratet.

Synonyms of married

Synonyms in German ehelich, verheiratet, ehelich
Synonyms in English matrimonial, wed, marital, nuptial

Antonyms of married

Antonyms in German geteilt, unverheiratet, ledig
Antonyms in English divided, unmarried, single, unwedded

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