metal Jīnshǔ


metal = Jīnshǔ

Pronunciation =  metal

Pronunciation in Chinese = 金屬

metal in Chinese: Jīnshǔ

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: any of several chemical elements that are usually shiny solids that conduct heat or electricity and can be formed into sheets etc. 

Definition in Chinese: 幾種化學元素中的任何一種,通常是有光澤的固體,可以傳導熱量或電流,並且可以形成薄片等

Examples in English:

  • Metal pans eventually rust

Examples in Chinese:

  • 金屬鍋最終生鏽

Synonyms of metal

Synonyms in Chinese 金屬的
Synonyms in English metallic,

Antonyms of metal

Antonyms in Chinese 非金屬
Antonyms in English non-metal,

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