microwave Maikuroha


microwave = Maikuroha

Pronunciation =  microwave

Pronunciation in Japanese = マイクロ波

microwave in Japanese: Maikuroha

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: a short electromagnetic wave (longer than infrared but shorter than radio waves); used for radar and microwave ovens and for transmitting telephone, facsimile, video and data 

Definition in Japanese: 短い電磁波(赤外線より長いが電波より短い);レーダーや電子レンジ、電話、ファクシミリ、ビデオ、データの送信に使用されます

Examples in English:

  • The microwave frequency was monitored with a frequency counter

Examples in Japanese:

  • マイクロ波周波数は周波数カウンターで監視されました

Synonyms of microwave

Synonyms in Japanese NA
Synonyms in English NA

Antonyms of microwave

Antonyms in Japanese NA
Antonyms in English NA

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