mystery misterio


mystery = misterio

Pronunciation =  mystery

Pronunciation in Spanish = misterio

mystery in Spanish: misterio

Part of speechnoun

Definition in English: Noun: something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained
Adjective: A kind of secret religious celebration, to which none were admitted except those who had been initiated by certain preparatory ceremonies; — usually plural; as, the Eleusinian mysteries. 

Definition in Spanish: Sustantivo: algo que desconcierta la comprensión y no se puede explicar
Adjetivo: Una especie de celebración religiosa secreta, a la que nadie era admitido excepto aquellos que habían sido iniciados por ciertas ceremonias preparatorias; – generalmente en plural; como, los misterios de Eleusis.

Examples in English:

  • Let’s solve a mystery together

Examples in Spanish:

  • Resolvamos un misterio juntos

Synonyms of mystery

Synonyms in Spanish misterio, secreto, acertijo
Synonyms in English mystery, secret, riddle

Antonyms of mystery

Antonyms in Spanish claridad, solución, conocido
Antonyms in English clarity, solution, known

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