naught Dōu fùzhūdōngliú

Dōu fùzhūdōngliú

naught = Dōu fùzhūdōngliú

Pronunciation =  naught

Pronunciation in Chinese = 都付诸东流

naught in Chinese: Dōu fùzhūdōngliú

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: complete failure 

Definition in Chinese: 完全失败

Examples in English:

  • all my efforts led to naught

Examples in Chinese:

  • 我所有的努力都付诸东流

Synonyms of naught

Synonyms in Chinese 没什么,
Synonyms in English nothing,

Antonyms of naught

Antonyms in Chinese 重要的,
Antonyms in English important,

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