new nouveau


new = nouveau

Pronunciation =  new

Pronunciation in French = nouveau

new in French: nouveau

Part of speechAdverb 

Definition in English: Adjective: not of long duration; having just (or relatively recently) come into being or been made or acquired or discovered
Adjective: original and of a kind not seen before 

Definition in French: Adjectif: pas de longue durée; ayant récemment (ou relativement récemment) vu le jour ou été créé, acquis ou découvert
Adjectif: original et d’un genre jamais vu auparavant

Examples in English:

  • I’m quite new to gardening

Examples in French:

  • Je suis assez nouveau dans le jardinage

Synonyms of new

Synonyms in French nouvelle,
Synonyms in English modern hot unused fresh recent original

Antonyms of new

Antonyms in French vieux,
Antonyms in English unoriginal old nonmodern noncurrent stale

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