novocaine Xīn kǎ yīn

Xīn kǎ yīn

novocaine = Xīn kǎ yīn

Pronunciation =  novocaine

Pronunciation in Chinese = 新卡因

novocaine in Chinese: Xīn kǎ yīn

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: procaine administered as a hydrochloride 

Definition in Chinese: 以盐酸盐形式给药的普鲁卡因

Examples in English:

  • I am ready to give him the novocaine shot

Examples in Chinese:

  • 我准备给他注射新卡因

Synonyms of novocaine

Synonyms in Chinese 麻药,
Synonyms in English anesthetic,
procaine hydrochloride,

Antonyms of novocaine

Antonyms in Chinese NA
Antonyms in English NA

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