oligohydramnios Yángshuǐguò shǎo

Yángshuǐguò shǎo

oligohydramnios = Yángshuǐguò shǎo

Pronunciation =  oligohydramnios

Pronunciation in Chinese = 羊水过少

oligohydramnios in Chinese: Yángshuǐguò shǎo

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: amniotic fluid volume that is less than the minimum expected for gestational age. 

Definition in Chinese: 羊水量小于预期的最小胎龄。

Examples in English:

  • Rupture of the membranes is the most common cause of oligohydramnios.

Examples in Chinese:

  • 胎膜破裂是羊水过少最常见的原因。

Synonyms of oligohydramnios

Synonyms in Chinese 羊水过低
Synonyms in English NA

Antonyms of oligohydramnios

Antonyms in Chinese NA
Antonyms in English NA

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