olivine Gǎnlǎn shí

Gǎnlǎn shí

olivine = Gǎnlǎn shí

Pronunciation =  olivine

Pronunciation in Chinese = 橄榄石

olivine in Chinese: Gǎnlǎn shí

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: A common name of the yellowish green mineral chrysolite, especially the variety found in eruptive rocks. 

Definition in Chinese: 黄绿色矿物橄榄石的俗称,尤指在喷发岩中发现的品种。

Examples in English:

  • Olivine is one of the Earth’s most common minerals by volume.

Examples in Chinese:

  • 按体积计算,橄榄石是地球上最常见的矿物之一。

Synonyms of olivine

Synonyms in Chinese 橄榄岩
Synonyms in English rock-forming mineral

Antonyms of olivine

Antonyms in Chinese NA
Antonyms in English NA

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