overhang Haridashi


overhang = Haridashi

Pronunciation =  overhang

Pronunciation in Japanese = 張り出し

overhang in Japanese: Haridashi

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: projection that extends beyond or hangs over something else 

Definition in Japanese: 他の何かを超えて伸びる、または何かの上にぶら下がる投影

Examples in English:

  • Cut off tree branches that overhang your house

Examples in Japanese:

  • あなたの家に張り出した木の枝を切り落とす

Synonyms of overhang

Synonyms in Japanese 突き出て
Synonyms in English protrude,
stick out,
hang over

Antonyms of overhang

Antonyms in Japanese NA
Antonyms in English NA

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